Friday, July 15, 2011

The baby that rolls everywhere

Kinsey Paige is turning 6 months old in a few days and it's just really hard to believe. She is doing a whole lot of things that keep me very busy.

She has been rolling over in every direction. I look away for a second and she is 5 feet from where she was. This has also lead to the discovery that if she rolls to her stomach in her bed she can see over her bumper pad. This leads to a lot of not sleeping during nap time.

Another thing that has been discovered is maci. They are inseparable. Every time Kinsey cries maci runs in her room to see what's wrong. And when kinsey gets up from her nap the first thing she looks for is maci, which she is always right there. Maci loves to give her kisses and Kinsey gladly excepts them. Most of the time Kinsey plays with her toys with one hand and sticks the other one out for maci to lick. This leads to a lot of hand washing.

The thing I love the most about kinsey being 6 months is that she eats baby food. I love making baby food for her and it isn't as time consuming as I thought. The most time consuming thing was the butternut squash because I had to bake them. It smelled so good I had some and it was really good. I love that I have time to make her all natural food. We go to the market almost ever Saturday and can get a lot of food for pretty cheap.

Sad news is that my blender broke on my baby food maker which lead to a week and a half of deciding if I should count it as a lose since I couldn't find a replacement. Finally I called the customer service number to see if I could order a replacement part and to my surprise they are sending me a replacement for FREE. Thankfully it broke on my last batch of baby food that I was making so I have a few weeks worth of baby food. Hopefully it gets here before Kinsey gets tired of eating carrots and butternut squash.

To celebrate Kinsey turning 6 months old we have purchased a new car seat for her, hey she half a year old. We bought her a britax marathon after seeing it was one of the best car seats out there. It isn't a new one by any means but we got it for $40 off craigslist. The seat cover is a little worn but I've seen some really cute covers that we might have to get just to make it a little more girlie. Now I know with this new car seat comes some new challenges. Like having to carry her everywhere and her riding in the grocery cart but that's why we bought a grocery cart cover. It also gives me a chance to use a sling.

I just can't believe my baby is already 6 months.