Thursday, May 5, 2011

This time a year ago

With my birthday coming up at the end of this month I started thinking where I was this time last year.

About this time last year I found out I was pregnant which was an awesome way to spend my birthday. But I remember we didn't tell anyone because we wanted to make sure we had something to tell. Eight months earlier I had a miscarriage the day after I found out I was pregnant. So after 4 blood test we happily told everyone. I remember thinking this time next year we would be parents and have a 4 month old. It seemed so far away and I remember being excited and nervous. We didn't know how much of a blessing our little Kinsey Paige would be and I had no idea how much I would love her.

So we have had excitement already today. I figured out yesterday that Kinsey didn't like doing tummy time because the floor was too hard so I put a pillow under her. So we are laying on the pillow facing the tv so she will lift her head and I look away from her for a second and I hear a thump. I look down and she is on the floor on her back with a surprised look on her face. A second later she starts screaming. I pick her up and comfort her trying to make her feel better. She cries for like 5 minutes. While she is crying I can image her thinking 'mama why did you let me do that, it was scarey'. I apologized to her the whole time she was crying. I felt so bad. She must have worn herself out because she went to sleep soon after. I checked her over to see if she really hurt herself or she was just scared, I didn't see any red marks, thankfully.

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