A lot has happen in the past month.
We decided to pierce kinsey's ears. She did not like it one bit. Then again she didn't have a nap before we went and once we got in the car after the appointment she was out in just a couple minutes even though she was still crying, it was really cute yet sad.
Kinsey has officially found her voice and talks all the time. I don't know what she is telling me but I just listen to her and say a whole lot og uh huh's and yeah's. It is so cute. I figure I will never have a moment of silence again and I can so handle that. It started when eric's mom came over for a couple days and told Kinsey to talk to her and that was all she needed to hear because she hasn't stopped since.
As I type I am sitting in a hotel room very bored and I will be here until next Friday. We are in Columbia, sc because Eric has a school for his job. It really isn't that bad. We get up about 9, get breakfast, Kinsey takes a nap, Eric picks us up from lunch, we come back to the room Kinsey takes another nap and Eric is usually done with his class. It's the times that Kinsey is sleeping that is so boring. Thankfully I have my phone, iPad, and the t.v. That keeps me partly entertained but those get old after a while.
Sadly once we got here Eric got sick and I suddenly was taking care of two babies. He said the stomach virus was just like having the man cold. Suddenly he forgot how to do things and how to read. Thankfully that is over and I'm back to taking care of just Kinsey. Eric was nice and made up for me taking care of him for two days. I got a head rub and got to eat Chinese, both are my favorite things.
Kinsey was super cute while Eric was sick. She would constantly roll over and look at him every time he made a noise and when she got up at night she would look at him everytime he moved just to make sure he was ok, which resulted in her rolling over from her back to her stomach. I usually praise her a lot when she does this but didn't find it appropriate at 3:30 in the morning. Lol. So as our week comes to a close I'm thankful Eric has the weekend off so I can get out of the hotel and go see some things around town.
Oh a day in the life of a new mom