Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kinsey is 4 months old

It's so hard to believe that Kinsey turns 4 months old tomorrow. I can't believe that it has been 4 months since she was born, it's gone by so fast.

So some new things Kinsey has been doing.

Rolling from her stomach to her back.

Rolling from her back to her side, this is how she moves around her bed. Most morning I get up she is no where near where I laid her down.

And the most embarrassing of all, pulling my shirt down. I don't know why she does this because she is breast fed. So when she eats she usually holds on to my shirt and that was fine until she started to do it all the time. The first time she did it we were in church sitting down in the pew during singing and she's looking at me laying in my arms. All of a sudden she grabs my shirts and pulls it down to her and everyone sitting behind me including a little boy see everything. I didn't have a free hand so I try pulling her away from me thinking she would let go, nope she had a death grip on my shirt. Now she has my shirt pulled down past my boobs and out so nothing is left to the imagination. Very embarrassing. This whole thing didn't last more than a few seconds but they felt so long. I didn't even turn around I just got up left everything in the pew and went to look for Eric but as I past the family sitting behind me most of their faces were red and the mom looked at me like she understood my embarrassment. So no more wearing v neck shirts even with an under shirt underneath.

A day in the life of a new mom.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

This time a year ago

With my birthday coming up at the end of this month I started thinking where I was this time last year.

About this time last year I found out I was pregnant which was an awesome way to spend my birthday. But I remember we didn't tell anyone because we wanted to make sure we had something to tell. Eight months earlier I had a miscarriage the day after I found out I was pregnant. So after 4 blood test we happily told everyone. I remember thinking this time next year we would be parents and have a 4 month old. It seemed so far away and I remember being excited and nervous. We didn't know how much of a blessing our little Kinsey Paige would be and I had no idea how much I would love her.

So we have had excitement already today. I figured out yesterday that Kinsey didn't like doing tummy time because the floor was too hard so I put a pillow under her. So we are laying on the pillow facing the tv so she will lift her head and I look away from her for a second and I hear a thump. I look down and she is on the floor on her back with a surprised look on her face. A second later she starts screaming. I pick her up and comfort her trying to make her feel better. She cries for like 5 minutes. While she is crying I can image her thinking 'mama why did you let me do that, it was scarey'. I apologized to her the whole time she was crying. I felt so bad. She must have worn herself out because she went to sleep soon after. I checked her over to see if she really hurt herself or she was just scared, I didn't see any red marks, thankfully.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Things I wasn't prepared for.

So I figured since everyone was blogging I would try it. Now just so you know i lead a boring life so don't be disappointed if there is no excitement.

So when i decided to stay home after Kinsey was born i thought 'this is going to be nice, relax all day and sleep late'. Boy was I in for a surprise, I get up at 7 at the latest to start my day and when Kinsey is taking her nap I finally have the time to straighten and clean the house, a mother's job is never done. But truthfully i love every minute of it and can't wait to start my day and see what Kinsey will do, there's something new everyday. I'm glad that my expectations weren't right or it would be a boring day.

So this morning i get up, at 7, and start my normal routine: get kinsey up, feed her, entertain her and then she takes a nap.  Well Eric was in the living room talking to her while she was in her bumbo and she pooped and when i went to pick her up out of her bumbo I got a nice big surprise because it was all out of her diaper. I got eric to pick the whole bumbo up with her in it and we proceded to the bathroom. I just turned on the bath and put her in it clothes on and all. After getting her clean and the bumbo cleaned, in which she cried the whole time, our morning proceeded on like normal. It was an eventful morning that I would rather not repeat but I'm sure later today there's going to be something else, LOL.

A day in the life of a new mother.